Basement Flood Management and Prevention

Basement flooding is a common problem, and it can occur at any time of the year. Although most flooding cases occur during heavy rains, they can also occur in dry weather. The fact that most basements are partially or completely underground automatically makes them prone to flooding.

What Causes Basement Flooding?

Basement flooding can occur in both rainy and dry weather. It can also happen for a variety of reasons. Here are some common causes:

Cracks in Foundation

The water table can rise during heavy rain. If your foundation has cracks, water can enter the basement through these cracks in the foundation. When this type of flooding occurs, it is generally because your foundation needs inspection and repair or an older building with foundation problems.

Sump Pump Failure

Most basements are equipped with sump pump(s) to help keep up with the groundwater around them. However, when the pump fails, it can easily lead to flooding by either water or sewage.

Tree Roots in Underground Pipes

Old underground pipes can wear out for most buildings and need replacement like other parts of your home. When they get clogged or broken due to factors like tree roots penetration, they block, leading to water backup. Water or sewage can flood the basement if there is no other escape route.

Internal Plumbing Issues

When the internal water supply line breaks, it can lead to punctures that can contribute to flooding if not detected in time. In most instances, this occurs in older plumbing.

What to Do When You’re Faced With Basement Flooding

Don’t Enter a Flooded Basement

Besides causing property damage, basement flooding also poses a threat to humans. If your basement floods, the immediate action is to call a restoration and water mitigation company like Allied Restoration. Generally, a local water mitigation company like ours is your best bet! Shut off the whole house power if you can do so without entering the basement.

Remove the Water

If there is a small amount of water, you may be able to remove it with a mop. If the water is more than two feet high, it is highly recommended that you contact a professional. Do not enter the basement with standing water in it. Call us right away since clearing the water as quickly as possible eliminates chances of mold growth in your home.

Dry the Basement

Removing the water alone won’t dry the flooded areas. Drying the area clears the excess moisture that gives room for mold growth. To ensure the basement is fully dry, you need equipment like fans, industrial blowers, or a dehumidifier. Based on this equipment’s infrequent use, the chances are high that most households don’t have them. This leaves the option of engaging a local water mitigation company like Allied Restoration for assistance. We’ve got the equipment and experience to handle this job.

Prevent Future Basement Flooding

This is the stage to assess what caused the flooding in the first place. Sometimes during rainy weather, a heavy storm might flood your lawn and drain into the basement, or cracks in the foundation might lead to flooding. In dry weather, your sump pump might be defective, leading to basement flooding. You should ask your mitigation specialists for an assessment. Ask them for suggestions to help prevent future flooding. Waterproofing professionals can waterproof your basement and prevent further flooding in the future.

Tips to Prevent Basement Flooding

Grade Your Lawn Correctly

Lawns that come with slopes towards the house instead of away from it pose a risk of basement flooding.

Consider Building a Rain Garden

Creating a rain garden, a depressed area in your yard to collect rainwater, is a great way to divert runoff from your lawn. Plant it with perennials and grasses, and it becomes a valuable and beautiful way to divert excess water from your foundation.

Extend Downspouts

Instead of connecting downspouts to your drainage block, bring it out some, so that the water runs away from your house’s foundation. Be sure to direct it toward lawn areas that are graded away from your home.

Consider Installing a Sump Pump

A sump pump offers a guarantee of helping to prevent basement flooding. When you install an automatic sump pump, you can keep water accumulation from average rainfall under control.

When it’s Time to Call The Experts

At Allied Restoration, we can mitigate water damage challenges in your home. From draining your flooded basement to offering preventive solutions, our team is reliable in making your home dry and comfortable. Give us a call to find out how we help you mitigate a flooded basement.